
Online Art Auctions

Every year since 2009, Art on a Whim Gallery in Breckenridge has partnered with local music organizations to bring together the visual and auditory art worlds. As has become tradition, they are donating two paintings to the National Repertory Orchestra this summer....

Summer Match Madness!

We did it!  We met our match limit with Slifer Smith & Frampton! On Monday, July 11th we announced that Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate was going to make a splash withS U M M E R  M A T C H  M A D N E S S ! Through this program, Slifer Smith & Frampton...

Push to Perfect

Breckenridge Creative Arts runs the Riverwalk Center, the venue where the National Repertory Orchestra performs, in addition to other arts venues in the Town of Breckenridge.  They partner with arts organizations in the community, including the NRO, in an effort to...

Free Community Events

The NRO is committed to expanding the reach of classical music by providing free chamber performances and children’s events, which are open to the public, throughout Summit County.   We hope you join us! 2016 Schedule Tue. June 14th: “Children’s Library Program”...

NRO Rehearsal Schedule

All Welcome!Come experience the NRO for free at one of our many rehearsals at the Riverwalk Center (150 West Adams Ave., Breckenridge, CO). As with any other performance, please be quiet and courteous – turn off all cell phones and refrain from using cameras or...