The NRO’s harpist prepares for solo debut

The NRO’s harpist prepares for solo debut

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NRO Pivots to New Saturday Concert Showcasing Viennese Classics

NRO Pivots to New Saturday Concert Showcasing Viennese Classics

By Shauna Farnell The National Repertory Orchestra was faced with orchestrating a sudden modulation before it even hit the stage this week. Scheduled to star in the July 1 performance at the Riverwalk Center in Breckenridge, famed pianist and conductor Jeffrey Kahane...
New Program Announced for July 1, 2023

New Program Announced for July 1, 2023

“Jeffrey and Gabriel Kahane – Family Ties” is now “Stern Conducts Brahms and Schubert” The National Repertory Orchestra has been looking forward to Jeffrey Kahane’s appearance on Saturday, July 1, as conductor and pianist for “Jeffrey and Gabriel Kahane – Family Ties”...