
Jonathan Recently Won a One-Year Position with the SPCO

Jonathan Cohen was the  NRO Stage Manager in 2013 and NRO Clarinetist in 2010. Jonathan recently won a one-year position with the SPCO. Jonathan says, “I am deeply grateful for my summer playing with the NRO. The experience I gained playing in such a high level...

NRO Alumnus Wins Cincinnati Symphony Audition

Pedro Fernandez, NRO 2013, is the winner of the Cincinnati Symphony section percussion audition. This is a one year appointment so Pedro will put on hold his position as second percussionist with the Houston Ballet Orchestra and his DMA at the University of Miami....

NRO, A Love Story And A Success Story

                NRO alumni, Yolanda Kondonassis and Michael Sachs, met in 1984 while playing for the Colorado Philharmonic, what is now known as the National Repertory Orchestra.  They have been married since 1993.  Read...

Alumna Graduating From Juilliard’s Masters Program

Known for her artistry, violinist Anne Ku is an up and coming orchestral and chamber musician, as well as a dedicated teacher. A graduate of The Juilliard School, Anne’s goal in music is to inspire the next generation of classical musicians. A native of Taiwan, Anne...