
Alexis Mitrushi

Houston, Texas

Oberlin Conservatory BM 2022
Mannes School of Music MM 2024

Alexis Mitrushi graduated from Oberlin Conservatory in 3.5 years with her bachelor’s degree in Viola Performance, as well as a minor in GSFS, studying with Kirsten Docter. She is currently in her 2nd year of her Master’s program at Mannes School of Music, studying with Daniel Panner. She has served as a substitute violist of the Firelands Symphony Orchestra and Westside Chamber Players, and she has also taught in numerous places in NYC + Ohio. In her free time, Alexis loves watching studio ghibli films, being outside, and reading.

What inspired you to become a musician?
I watched the New Years Vienna Philharmonic concert with my mom growing up on TV and absolutely knew I wanted to do that.

Name three of your favorite composers:
I love Shostakovich and Rebecca Clarke. A lot of their pieces just resonate with me emotionally.

What is an interesting fact about you and/or your instrument?
I am Albanian-American.

When taking a break from music-making, what is your favorite thing to do?
Watching studio ghibli films, being outside in nature, and hanging out with loved ones

Why did you choose the NRO?
I am very passionate about music making and know I want to do orchestra in the future, so I love this opportunity to be in a tight knit orchestral community making music in a beautiful environment. I am very much looking forward to working on all of the pieces and hopefully making some lifelong friendships.